Monday, March 15, 2010

women reservation bill !!! is it only political reform required in India

Woman's bill may get passed through parliament. But is it going to solve the real problem in Indian Democracy? I think it might be required to have a quota in parliament for women but its not going to solve all the problems. We have seen in the past whenever the male leaders had difficulty in holding their position they get their wife in front to hold their seat for some time. Once there is quota what is going to happen

1. Once a seat becomes reserved, the current politician will put their wife, daughter or any other female relative. Is it this women empowerment this bill is trying to achieve?

2. Reserved seats will be only used by relatives of existing politicians. There will be very few new woman coming into politics.

I am not against the woman's participation in politics or against the quota. But I think its not enough. There is big need of reform in Indian Political system.

The biggest problem in Indian democracy is lack people participation. In politics there is so much of favoritism or you have smaller parties which are run like family business.

So what is solution? We need better internal democracy within parties. What does I mean by internal democracy is

1. The first and foremost is choosing the candidates in election. Every time we hear the news of parties selling the seats for money, criminals getting tickets, etc. And reason for all that happens because only top few people decides the candidates and not party workers. I think best way to decide actual candidate is that have a poll within party members who would be their candidate. This will bring true democracy and influence of money and power can be bring down.

2. We have too many political parties in India. Election commission should recognize political parties which are not having proper representation.

3. We should give more power to election commission. Let election commission keep records of each party database like who are party members and since when. After the Unique Id project, it will be easy to keep track. Then election commission can also facilitate the selection of candidates.

4. To get a ticket from a party, should have at least minimum period of membership in that party. so last minute people would not jump parties and buy tickets.

5. There should be some restriction on how many times one person can be chief minister or prime minister or MP/MLA. So that new people can come and replace them.

We definitely need to reform our political system in India now otherwise it will be too late. With woman reservation bill, political parties should discuss the reform process and change it. The way congress, BJP and left parties are together on woman quota bill, I think they should also try for political reforms.


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